President Barack ‘The Whispering Flynn’ Obama Talks Flexibility with Russians – updated

What’s the uproar over Mike Flynn’s little telephone ‘taped-tag’ with the Russians a few days before Trump was inaugurated.  Could mentioning sanctions in anyway compare to Barack Obama getting caught on a hot mike telling his good friend Demetri to tell boss Vlad, “just wait until after my election and I have  more flexibility” to give you what you want regarding dismantling the US Missile Defense program for Europe.

Here’s the ‘No Moss Grows on a Rolling Stone’ update:  Trump to Flynn, “You’re Fired“.

Obama’s Leftovers Scurry For the Exits

The Atlantic reports that “Abrupt departures of top officials Wednesday, under disputed circumstances, leave Foggy Bottom without a confirmed secretary or nominees for several top leadership jobs.”  The departures, to my eye, look as though the President called his local Orkin Pest Control man.