Project Veritas Exposes Google’s Plans To Interfere With 2020 Election

Google’s Response?  Censor The Project Veritas Video

Breitbart reports, “Google Censors Video Exposing Google.”  You can’t make this stuff up.  It’s time to let the Sunshine In on Big Data’s monopoly.

Google-owned video platform YouTube took down a video from Project Veritas showing a senior employee at the company appearing to admit that the company plans to interfere in the next presidential election to stop Donald Trump.

The video, which is still available on the Project Veritas website featured undercover footage of a top Google employee, Jen Gennai, stating that the company shouldn’t be broken up because only they can prevent the “next Trump situation.”

Watch video here:,18s

New Google ‘Hate’ Crime – Blonde Jokes

It’s true.  We’ll test here to see if the ol’ Google algorithm is offended by “Blonde Jokes” or by “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez” jokes.  Here’s the link to the original offending post- “SJW Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Ends Dumb Blonde Jokes.”  And below is Google’s punishment corner, or Googulag.

Wait a minute, wait a minute? I think I hear a knocking at my door…

Getting Ready To Fight Big Data

This is your ghillie suit for taking the fight to the Masters of the Universe.

From the Business Insider, “This photo shows that even Mark Zuckerberg is paranoid about his privacy.

But the photo has taken new meaning after Zuckerberg apologized on Wednesday for a scandal in which British data company Cambridge Analytica, which has ties to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, illicitly obtained information from as many as 50 million Facebook profiles by abusing Facebook’s data-sharing features.

From the Instagram photo, it’s clear that Zuckerberg takes his own personal privacy very seriously.

Google After “Don’t Be Evil”

If you are a conservative wondering what happened to your web traffic and search engine ranking, this probably doesn’t come as a surprise.  From ZDNet, “Google erases ‘Don’t be evil’ from code of conduct after 18 years“.

As spotted by Gizmodo, the phrase was dropped from the preface of Google’s code of conduct in late April or early May.

Until then, ‘Don’t be evil’ were the first words of the opening and closing sentences of Google’s code of conduct and have been part of it since 2000.

“The Google Code of Conduct is one of the ways we put ‘Don’t be evil’ into practice. It’s built around the recognition that everything we do in connection with our work at Google will be, and should be, measured against the highest possible standards of ethical business conduct.”

Poof! Google disappeared the concept of not being evil.  Now they just have “[a high bar] for practical as well as aspirational reasons.”  I’m not so sure that is very reassuring.

Google – The Hubris of Diversity

Google’s purported nurturing of diverse opinions is nothing more than a hollowed out shell of a philosophy.  In fact, except for the masks, it’s no different than the Berkeley or Portland AntiFa rioters that prevented Milo Yiannopoulos or Ann Coulter from speaking.

Google on Google – the irony quotient here is “High”.