The Press’ New Bitch – Johnny ‘Maverick 2.0’ McCain

Little Johnny ‘Maverick 2.0’ McCain, in an effort to regain relevance, get attention from the MSM again, and to prove his ‘little dick’ is bigger than Donald Trump’s ‘little hands’, decided to violate one of the core principles of U.S. Foreign Policy protocol – talk trash about the President when overseas.  How passive-aggressive you are, Little Johnny Maverick 2.0.

CBS News gleefully reports, “John McCain blasts Trump in Munich speech“.

Republican Sen. John McCain delivered a withering critique of President Donald Trump in a speech Friday that highlighted fractures within the GOP as the new administration struggles to overcome a chaotic start.

Speaking in Germany at the Munich Security Conference, McCain didn’t mention the president’s name, according to the prepared text, while he lamented a shift in the United States and Europe away from the “universal values” that forged the Western alliance seven decades ago. McCain is the chairman of the Armed Services Committee.

Here’s Johnny caught during some of his finest hours.

GOP’s DC Cartel Plan for Donald Trump

The GOP DC Cartel cannot allow Donald Trump to run the table on next Tuesday’s SUPER MEGA Tuesday Winner Take All primaries.


Any thoughts as to which candidate the Caveman represents?? And the Lizard?? Two Choices there. And the Yuuuge stomping GOP Elite DC Cartel elephant foot?? Wait. Did I give that one away? Here’s the breakout for Delegate Allocation.


Carly Fiorina – DC Cartel