Does Joe Biden Have A Hunter Problem?

A Potential Susan Rice Pick Raises More Questions About Hunter Biden’s Burisma Ties

The Federalist–Former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice vaulted to the top of the presidential veepstakes in recent weeks as Biden draws near making his final pick just weeks ahead of the Democratic convention, which the former vice president pledged Tuesday would come next week.

A Rice selection however, also comes with raised questions over the Biden family’s shady overseas business dealings that has attracted the attention of government watchdogs and even a years-long investigation by the Senate that is still ongoing.

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Norks – Susan Rice Says, “Keep Your Nukes, Kim”

So how did Kim Jong-un all of a sudden get miniaturized nukes and the ICBM missiles capable of carrying them anywhere in the Continental U.S.?  Could it be because that was exactly what the Foreign Policy of Barack Obama and Susan Rice made inevitable?  The Conservative Daily News reports, “Rice tells Americans: Live with nuclear North Korea“.

Echoing Barack Obama‘s foreign policy on North Korea, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice told President Donald Trump to “tolerate” a nuclear North Korea.

“History shows that we can, if we must, tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea — the same way we tolerated the far greater threat of thousands of Soviet nuclear weapons during the Cold War,” she wrote in a New York Times op-ed.