You better make up quick, Mo, before she starts on your face.
Daily Darwin – Blonde Sliding Gene, Recessive
You really have to watch out for that first step, whatever way you stumble over it.
NYTimes: Slouching Toward Hillary
Just when I was being to think that the NYTimes was edging toward some sort of reportorial balance and worth reading rather than being mere fishwrap or expensive compost filler, a hit piece like “Rubios on the Road…” pops up.
Chiraq – Redux
They say “necessity is a mother”. The cops crackdown on guns, so the fine youngsters from the neighborhood pay a visit to the “Rez” and come back with some “crackers.”
Someone Had to Ask
Inquiring minds want to know when the Bruce Jenner commemorative road signs will be changed?
Breakfast of Champions?
Is Fruit Loops the new “Breakfast of Champions?”
You don’t think Kellogg’s is going to be asking for those big endorsement fees back, do you?