I’m Rubber and You’re Glue

The Democrats attempts to ‘bork’ Judge Kavanaugh has added a new metaphor to the political lexicon – Getting a Dose of Kavanaugh.  It’s a mashup of “Getting a dose of your own medicine” and “I’m rubber and you’re glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you.”  Michael Ramirez paints the picture….so to speak.


A Word About ‘Da Nang’ Richard Blumenthal’s Kavanaugh Vote

As reported by The Daily Caller, President Trump had this to say about ‘Da Nang’ Richard’s vote against Brett Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme Court.

“Look at Blumenthal. Lied about Vietnam for 15 years, and he said he was a war hero,” Trump said. “He said he was Da Nang Richard.”

The president continued, “He says we need honesty and we need integrity. This guy lied. When he was the attorney general of Connecticut, he lied. I do not mean a little bit.”

Trump appeared to have referenced Blumenthal’s question to Judge Brett Kavanaugh during a hearing on decades-old sexual allegations against the Supreme Court nominee. “The core of why we are here today really is credibility,” the Senator said in his opening remarks.

“Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus is a Latin phrase meaning “false in one thing, false in everything.” At common law, it is the legal principle that a witness who testifies falsely about one matter is not credible to testify about any matter.”

Kathy Griffin. You Can Call Me Jeff, Or You Can Call Me J….

Kathy Griffin.  My name is Jeffry Lane Flake.  Now you can call me Jeffry, or you can call me Jeff, or you can call me J, or you can call me JL.  You can even call me Jeffey, or Laney, or  Flakey.  Even Jeff L, or J Lane, or even JLF.  But you doesn’t ‘hasta’ call me “Feckless Cunt”.

**Ray J. Johnson