Justin Trudeau – “One Giant Leap For Peoplekind”

Paraphrasing Rahm Emanuel, “Never let a good meme go to waste“, we, again, have to recognize the contribution Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made to Memedom with his classic “peoplekind” comment.  Keep up the good work, Justin.  Eh?

Daily Darwin – Girder Dolly Dump

Darwin in quick to point out that he definitely sympathizes with anyone that doesn’t want to risk their ‘ownliest’ genomes by passing logging trucks or Bridge Beam Haulers. Here’s one example where “to hesitate is not to lose.”

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Meanwhile in Canada – Which One’s Your Prime Minister? Eh?

Those Canadians, they’re some “kind of people“….

Gerald Butts, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “butt-buddy” and top adviser, doesn’t like criticism very much.