Bernie Sanders defends Fidel Castro’s socialist Cuba

Unfair to simply say everything is bad’

Hey, if you don’t mind gulags, forced labor, starvation, 70 year old cars, firing squads, religious repression… Give Fidel a shout out.

FoxNews – Sen. Bernie Sanders, the frontrunner for the Democrats’ presidential nomination, doubled down on his support for some of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro’s policies, saying in an interview that aired Sunday, “it’s unfair to simply say everything is bad.”

Speaking to CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” Sanders, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, pointed to social welfare programs introduced under Castro’s regime that he described as redeeming, despite the communist dictator’s often repressive human-rights violations against Cubans.

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Bloomberg Says He “Bought” 21 Democrats Their Seats In 2018

A cringeworthy debate gaffe that Bloomberg claims gave Nancy Pelosi The Speakers Gavel

Business Insider – In an apparent slip, Mike Bloomberg seemed to say during the Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night that he “bought” 21 Democrats their congressional seats.

“All of the new Democrats that came in and put Nancy Pelosi in charge and gave the Congress the ability to control this president, I bough — I got them,” Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg says “I bought” 20 Democrats in Congress