This Way To The Egress

Perhaps there’s a little PT (Welcome to the Egress) Barnum in Donald J. Trump.

Barnum’s American Museum was so popular that people would spend the entire day there. This cut into profits, as the museum would be too full to Trump_The_Wallsqueeze another person in. In classic Barnum style, old P.T. put up signs that said “This Way to the Egress.” Many customers followed the signs, not realizing that Egress was a fancy word for “Exit.” They kept on looking for this strange new attraction, the “Egress”. Many patrons followed the signs right out the door! Once they had exited the building, the door would lock behind them, and if they wanted to get back in, they had to pay another admission charge!


Vincente ‘Effing Fox On ‘Effing Fox News About the ‘Effing Wall

Enough ‘effing said about Mexico paying for the ‘effing wall or even attempting to understand that the United States is not their ‘effing country and that they most certainly don’t have an ‘effing right to ‘effing come here whenever they ‘effing please.

Here’s the money quote:

So ‘effing suck on that, Mr. Vincente ‘Effing Fox.

Terrorist Takes One to the Old Melon

Here’s some irony for you.  According to the Daily Caller, “Sniper Cuts Short ISIS Beheading Class With A Well-Placed Head Shot.

In a stroke of irony, a sniper from the elite British Special Air Service (S.A.S.) took the head off an Islamic State leader who was teaching recruits how to behead prisoners.


The terrorist was probably not expecting to become his students’ example, but the sniper armed with a large-caliber rifle made him one after landing a head shot from over 3,000 feet away. The man was reportedly teaching 20 recruits when he quite literally lost his head.
“One minute he was standing there and the next his head had exploded. The commander remained standing upright for a couple of seconds before collapsing and that’s when panic set in.