Washington Post Thinks Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren Is On A Bit Of A Roll

The Washington Post ponders, “Why Elizabeth Warren is getting such good press.

Pocahonky Warren – 1023rd Honky/0001th Poca

It seems like every day a new story breaks about how Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) is climbing in the polls, releasing a new policy proposal, “winning” a primary debate or taking some other step toward becoming the Democratic presidential nominee. The volume and general positivity of Warren coverage has led some to believe that the media has collectively decided she should be the nominee and is doing everything we can to make it so.

Could it be, WaPo, that you forgot that ‘The Media’ is a beast that loves to feed at the same trough that the rest of the herd feeds.  Hence you get so many ‘Flavor of the Day’ stories.

There was Beto before started grabbing guns.  Then Kamala before she met Tulsi.  Then Joe when he finally got in, but started bleeding from the eyes – Ukraine…never heard of it.  And, of course, there’s  Mayor Pete before everyone found out that he was a self-righteous Alfred E. Neuman look a like.  Barney’s in the hospital, so we’ll leave him in Intensive Care with the rest of the also rans.

So with 13 months left until election, there’s plenty of time to see new favorites — and even old ones.  Hillary, mayhaps?

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