Daily Darwin – How’s Your Surfer Dudes, Dude?

Darwin is fond of noting that a Dude’s ‘dudes’ are not particularly fond of blunt trauma delivered by waterboarding.


Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Hey Howard Dean – Stick These Up Your Nose

mr_rogers_gives_2_fingers_animatedHoward, the ‘Scream‘, Dean decided that Donald Trump’s case of the sniffles at Monday night’s debate means that he must be a cocaine user.  No, Howard.  If anyone deserves to be called erratic it’s your very ‘ownself’.

Now first, stick one of Mr. Rogers’ fingers up each nostril and then review your own highly suspect performance below.


Today’s Bacon – Girls With Bacon

Enough politics!  The debate last night was enough to gag a maggot.  So let’s move on to something good.  Like bacon!  Welcome to the first tasty morsel in the new category, “Girls With Bacon”.


Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon,bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon,bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon
