Woman Celebrates National Puppy Day by Cooking Chihuahua

On this National Puppy Day, one doesn’t know whether to say Awww!! or Eeewww!! about this grisly ‘tail’.

KOIN 6 reports, “An Astoria woman was arrested after police said she killed her dog by cooking him in the oven.”

According to court documents, Noel G. Moor, 28, placed the dog in the oven “because she thought an ex-boyfriend was inside the dog.”

The police report said the 7-year-old male Chihuahua, Bolt, was alive when Moor put him in the oven. He was found dead on the burner when a Warrenton police officer responded to investigate and “The smell of burnt hair and flesh was still in the air.”

Fit To Be Hogg Tied

Here’s Johnny, err…Here’s Davey

From the Gateway Pundit’s article, “Deranged…“, we find that Parkland High School’s Social Justice Warrior, David Hogg, may actually be a candidate for a Baker Act intervention.  Obviously, it does take a trained professional to make the final determination, but I’ll bet on the eyes every time – the Jack Nicholson eyes.

In a troubling profanity-laced video, theater student David Hogg appears unstable as he berates the viewer with lines referring to NRA Members as “Pathetic F*ers” who “want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children.” He begins the piece stating “they could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action!”

Today’s Bacon – La Piganino

By way of Porkopolis, “This is a variation of a somewhat legendary instrument also known in various forms as the Hog Harmonium, Swineway, Pigano, Pig Organ or Porko Forte.”

Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) and Nathaniel Wanley (1634-1680) tell us that it was the Abbe of Beigne (or Baigne) who built a Porko Forte at the order of Louis XI, King of France (1461-83). The king challenged the Abbot, who had the art of inventing new musical instruments, to get him a “concert of swine’s voices”, thinking it impossible.

Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon,bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon,bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon