Amazon’s Newest Holiday Delivery Scheme

It had to happen.  Amazon’s ‘Drone Delivery’ is going to the dogs.  UPS, Amazon’s prime delivery partner (no pun intended) is excited about the concept too.  Currently in the middle of intense contract negotiations with the Teamsters, UPS Management is convinced that they can secure some tasty concessions by throwing a bone or two to the Delivery Dogs. The Delivery Dogs, we hear, are holding fast for a boost in their “Prime Cuts” ration of at least 15% and an additional paid daily hydrant break.

“Scary Movie” Doppleganger

Imagine yourself on a winding two lane road, fogbound, 25 miles from nowhere and the ‘low tire pressure warning’ sounding for 2 tires, and, of course, you only have one donut spare that’s low on air. And if that’s not enough, your gas gauge is warning in it’s best ‘see, I told you so’ Google voice saying, “you have 2.2 miles until empty, dummy. You should have filled up at the 7-Eleven where you bought the bad burritos.”  And speaking of bad burritos, the cramps are coming so fast and hard that you know it’s time to make for the bushes and hope there’s no poison ivy.  When… up ahead you spot…??   Tail lights…??  Wazat…??  OMG!!  I’m in my own “Scary Movie!!”

Scary Movie 1 – Official Trailer