Daily Darwin – Girder Dolly Dump

Darwin in quick to point out that he definitely sympathizes with anyone that doesn’t want to risk their ‘ownliest’ genomes by passing logging trucks or Bridge Beam Haulers. Here’s one example where “to hesitate is not to lose.”

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Daily Darwin – Darwin’s Home Builder Brigade

Darwin points out that he has finally found out where members of his infamous ‘Ladder Brigade’ park their genomes for the night. His initial thought on learning, “Whoa, that first step is a real bitch”.

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Daily Darwin – The POD People Genome

Darwin gags (heh) down a chortle as he notes that the current rage of eating Tide PODS as a gag (heh, heh) is going to end up washing (heh, heh, heh) the perpetrators genomes right out of the old gene pool.

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Climate Change Changes Are For ‘Pee-ons’ Say Davos Elite

“Rules for Thee, but Not for Me”, was the watchword on the tarmac as “A Thousand Private Jets Deliver Globalist Elite to Davos for Climate Change Summit.” Breitbart reports the “irony” of using private jets to attend an AGW-Climate Change-Global Warming (AKA: Weather) conference in the snow.  One is left with the notion that nobody is going to mess with their “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous over a little carbon emission.  They’ll just go to the “Carbon Offset” store and buy a tree, or some “Indulgences“.

More than 1,000 private jet flights have been delivering globalist elites to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, where attendees are discussing — among other topics — the ‘major threat’ of climate change.
Airports around the Swiss ski resort will see the number of private jets spike 335 per cent during the annual meeting of world elites, according to Air Charter Service (ACS).

**Disclaimer-If you click on the “Carbon Offset” link and decide that it might be a good idea get you some of those Offset things  to “save the planet”, then you might be one of the stupidest fuckers to ever walk the planet.  It’s inevitable that you’ll chlorinate your own gene pool by doing something so grotesquely idiotic as taking the “Tide Pod Challenge” or some other numbnuts thing.  So do us all a favor and stick your head in an oven filled with ‘dinosaur farts‘ and help keep your genomes from diluting our gene pool.

Daily Darwin – Electrician Ladder Brigade Two-fer

Darwin hilariously points out that this Darwin Award candidate belongs to the rarefied category of ‘Two-fers’, those that seek to wreck havoc on their genomes in two ways simultaneously. In this case, by Ladder and by Electricity.

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Daily Darwin – The Naked Motocross Genome

Darwin does his best facepalm as he asks, “Why would anyone think that a ‘Naked Motocross’ event was any kind of good idea.  There’s nothing like 40 miles of sun, sand, sagebrush, snakes, insects, pot holes and friction to make the old genomes say “Nope”.  Hmmm??  Darwin posits.  Maybe that’s why the race is called an “Enduroid“.

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Daily Darwin – Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Brakes Genome

Darwin posits that the ‘art of the brake’ requires minimal higher order genomic aptitude, but failure to meet that minimalist standard frequently results in a very high order of genome toasting.

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors
