‘FakeNews’ Time Magazine Steals Mad Magazine’s Cover

It’s pretty bad when #FakeNews Time Magazine has to steal a #ReallyFakeNews cover idea from Mad Magazine.  From SF Gate we learn, “Mad magazine says Time ripped off cover idea“.  But not to worry….

Mad magazine says Time magazine stole the material for its newest cover, which shows the White House sprouting bulbous towers in Moscow, from Mad.

And indeed, Mad’s Dec. 12, 2016, cover headlined “Putin’s Influence Over Trump Continues to Grow” is strikingly similar to Time’s May 29 mashup of the White House and Red Square’s iconic St. Basil’s Cathedral.

The humor publication skewered Time with apparent glee.

“Honestly, we’re flattered, but we would have appreciated a credit — something like, ‘Idea stolen from MAD, which in 1952 we called a short lived satirical pulp!’ the humor publication said in an online post Thursday that displayed the cover images side by side.

Fake News Shit Storm

From Breitbart, “Fake News King Brian Williams Leads Charge Against ‘Fake News’“.

Fake journalist Brian Williams, who was suspended from the NBC Nightly News anchor slot for reporting fake news and lost the job altogether — and is now relegated to an MSNBC position — slammed fake news on MSNBC on Thursday.

“Fake news played a role in this election and continues to find a wide audience,” Williams said, before attacking retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn—President-elect Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser—and Breitbart News Network.

Watch out for that RPG Brian.