Joe Walsh
Joe Walsh – Pissed Off Dupe
“Former Illinois Republican Congressman Joe Walsh fired off angry tweets for hours Monday, calling President Donald Trump a “traitor” — which conveniently blunted a wave of mockery after he appeared on a comedy series unironically calling to arm four-year-olds with mortars”, writes Breitbart in the scathing story, “Damage Control: Joe Walsh Calls Trump ‘Traitor’ After Sacha Baron Cohen Humiliation”.
“Kinder Guardians and First Grenaders”, Joe? Military-grade weaponry for kids 4-12? You can call Trump a traitor or whatever else you chose, but it won't change the fact that you were a dupe and a dope on "Who Is America?". And believe me, Sacha Baron Cohen ain't no Vlad Putin.
— (@TPE_PubEditor) July 17, 2018