They’re try out a new consolidated Slogan, “We Make Dumpster Diving for News Great Again”. WMDDNGA.
NRA to NYTimes – Put Your ‘Truth’ Where the Sun Don’t Shine
The real truth really doesn’t matter to the ReallyFakeNewsFailing New York Times.
NYTimes Vows ‘No More Biased, Liberal Fishwrap’
The Liberal world is spinning off it’s axis as FoxNews reports that the “New York Times publisher vows to ‘rededicate’ paper to reporting honestly“. Honestly.
New York Post columnist and former Times reporter Michael Goodwin wrote, “because it (The Times) demonized Trump from start to finish, it failed to realize he was onto something. And because the paper decided that Trump’s supporters were a rabble of racist rednecks and homophobes, it didn’t have a clue about what was happening in the lives of the Americans who elected the new president.
Sulzbergers letter was released after the paper’s public editor, Liz Spayd, took the paper to task for its election coverage. She pointed out how its polling feature Upshot gave Hillary Clinton an 84 percent chance as voters went to the polls.
She compared stories that the paper ran about President-elect Donald Trump and Clinton, where the paper made Clinton look functional and organized and the Trump discombobulated.
“Mea Culpa”, Dear Readers, “Mea Culpa”.
Trump Slogging His Way to 1237 Delegates
If the NYTimes reports it, it must be true, “Rubio’s Exit Leaves Trump With an Open Path to 1,237 Delegates“.
The Turn of a Card
There’s going to be no more phony coin tosses for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. From none other than the NYTimes (even a broken clock gets it 2 times a day), “A Deck of Cards Could Determine Some Nevada Caucus Results.”
When in Las Vegas … what better way to break a tie in a political caucus than a deck of cards?
On Friday, the Nevada Democratic Party released answers to frequently asked questions ahead of the caucuses on Saturday.
The guidelines included the 250 caucus locations statewide…(and) also included what would happen if Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders happen to tie on Saturday. Enter the deck of cards.
“In the rare circumstances where two or more presidential preference groups are tied for the loss or gain of a precinct-level delegate and have the same lowest or highest decimal,” the state party says, “groups must draw a single card from a deck of cards to break the tie. High card determines the winner.”