Well, maybe not “hot”, or classic,
political correctness
Inquiring Minds….
Things you always wanted to know, but
You’ll Need Eye Bleach – updated
Remember. Once Seen. Can’t be Unseen. DO NOT CLICK
Europe Crumbles Under Muslim Horde
Draw your own conclusions as to what’s in store for the West.
Daily Darwin – Piss Viper
A “farmer urinating in a field is left in agony after a snake bites him on the penis.”
OMG!! It’ll be a while before that guy plants any “seed.” My guess is that that would be a net plus for the human genome.
TheDailyMail.com reports that:
The 46-year-old came to the emergency room of a hospital in Sringar, in the northern state of Jammu and Kasmir, three hours after suffering the bite.
Although the man was stable, his penis was ‘grossly swollen’, and covered in fluid-filled blisters where the snake’s teeth had entered, said doctors describing his case in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Call Me Vester
Or is it Bryce? Gay Escort? Murderer?
Daily Darwin – Oh My, Ferdinand
This Daunting Darwin Candidate shows a new way to “grab the bull by the horns.”