Russian trolls
MSNBC’s Joy Reid – Russian Troll Favorite

The irony is definitely ‘strong with this one’. MSNBC has survived this past 2 years by serving their viewers a steady diet of ‘Trump Hating’ and ‘Russian Colluding’ goodies. One of the chief chefs has been, none other than, Joy Reid. And now we find that Russian trolls, Boris and Natasha, are the ones who have been writing the ‘restaurant reviews’, so to speak.
Law & Crime reports, “MSNBC Host Joy-Ann Reid Was Apparently Russian Trolls’ Favorite Pundit“.
Somewhat lost in the flood of recriminations, however, was news that the Russian trolls favored one political pundit far in excess of their support for Sanders—and roughly half as much as Donald Trump.
According to an analysis of the raw data by Law&Crime, Joy-Ann Reid–recently and glowingly profiled as a heroine of the #Resistance by the New York Times–received some 267 total retweets by the private sector Russian troll brigade.