It’s Gonna Be A Full-On, Unconstrained “Forever Purge” In Ungovernable Portland Oregon

Portland Now at Antifa’s Mercy as Entire Riot Control Squad Resigns in Disgust

The Western Journal–The law-abiding residents of Portland, Oregon, are now at the mercy of leftist demonstrators after the city went after a police officer for doing his job this week — and that led the city’s team of anti-riot cops to resign and disband.

There is no other way to describe those who almost nightly disturb the peace of that once-great city, other than revolting Marxist activists.

Portland, by the way, is less safe now after the entire Rapid Response Team decided to disband on Wednesday.

Could this be actual 2021 ‘future footage’ from Portland, Oregon? After all, Portlanders are now at Antifa’s mercy since the entire Riot Control Squad resigned in disgust