Disease X And The Experts – Run And Shout And Turn About…

DISEASE X – What it is, and what it is not

CEPI–Disease X is the name given by scientists and the World Health Organization to an unknown pathogen that could emerge in future and cause a serious international epidemic or pandemic. In February 2018, Disease X was included in the WHO’s updated Blueprint list of diseases for which investing in research and development should be an international priority. It is also a priority for CEPI’s research and development investments.

Disease X itself is hypothetical: it does not exist. But the concept of Disease X describes a very real and growing threat to human health – and one the world must prepare better to respond to. The most recent Disease X to emerge was the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Because we were not properly prepared to defend ourselves against it, COVID-19 swiftly spread and caused a deadly pandemic, killing millions worldwide. Safe and effective vaccines have significantly reduced COVID-19’s mortality and morbidity, saving an estimated 20 million lives in the first year of their roll-out.

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