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Seattle Mayor Durkan’s ‘Summer of Love‘ appears to be devolving into a ‘Summer of Murder and Mayhem’. Without Cops… Did you expect anything different?
Newsweek–At least two people were shot and one was killed inside Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) area early Saturday morning, and police say they are investigating despite it being in a “no-cop” zone of the city.
Capitol Hill Seattle Blog–One man was reported dead and another person was shot and wounded in an overnight shooting at the Capitol Hill protest zone.
Police have confirmed the shooting but have not released further details. It was not clear if any suspects were in custody.
Multiple people reported hearing three to six gunshots from the area of 10th and Pine around 2:20 AM. Police radio updates described people seen fleeing to the north on 11th from Pine and through Cal Anderson.
Daily Caller–A group of anti-police protesters have been occupying part of downtown Seattle since early June. These protesters have created the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), where police are prohibited from entering. Daily Caller reporters went undercover to see what’s really going on inside the CHAZ. Here’s what they saw:
Yep, Mayor Jenny. It’s the “Summer of Love” in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.
You decide if this a legitimate posting of the precepts governing (I use the term loosely) the new Nation of CHAZ, or something someone from the Babylon Bee or The Onion went to a great deal of work to cook up. Me. I can’t make the call.
r/CapHillAutonomousZone–We feel the need to address this because there’s a hella lot of misinformation on this sub.
Basically, Fox News has been saying Raz Simone (a resident artist) is our “leader” or “war lord” and he’s designating himself as the police force. This is all nonsense. Raz Simone is a peaceful supporter of the movement and a powerful shepherd, however he’s no more of a leader than you or me.
You may have heard there was an incident in which it appeared Raz shoved a graffiti artist who irresponsibly tagged over top of an established mural, however this isn’t entirely true. Both Raz and the “victim” have made up and there’s zero animosity. So it’s like it never happened.
Anybody who has visited the Zone knows it’s peaceful. It’s basically an
impromptu organic community town square on Cap Hill, a place for art and music, and a safe space where people from all walks of society can peacefully demonstrate. ☂️
So let’s clear this up once and for all for all the trolls and pundits:
The Zone has no leadership. We have a decentralized local governance structure, and we oppose all hierarchical structures.
The fake stories are completely misrepresenting what we are about.
Is it a real problem?
Unfortunately the fake stories are tainting what the Zone is about and distracting from the movement. Even the Wikipedia page is still listing Raz as our leader as we write this.Also, some of the feedback about the supposed “incident” is legitimate (although it’s hard to tell who is brigading and who is real).
People have been asking us how the Zone is set up to deal with an internal conflict if we generally don’t welcome police presence and our leadership is decentralized and socialist. It’s a very real question.
We’re all here figuring things out as we go, and we fully believe our beautiful community has the spirit to put our collective minds together and invent a peaceful solution that doesn’t involve any power hierarchies.