Did You Watch The Democratic Presidential Debate Last Night?

Every Leading 2020 Dem Hesitate to Say They Are Concerned About Having a “Democratic Socialist” at Top of Dem Ticket

Getting ‘Solid’ With Bernie

Democrats Are Solid With Socialism

MSNBC’s Matthews Goes After Socialist Bernie — ‘Reds’ Would Have Executions in Central Park

Breitbart–  Matthews said, “…. socialism. Some people like it. Those of us like me who grew up in the Cold War and saw some aspects of it after visiting places like Vietnam, Cuba, being there, I’ve seen what socialism is. I don’t like it. It’s not only not free. It doesn’t freaking work.”

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‘Nanny’ Bloomberg Buys Himself A ‘Big Gulp’ Of Bernie’s Ire

Sanders blasts DNC rules that could allow Bloomberg to debate

The Hill – Sanders on Thursday slammed the party’s decision to change the rules for someone “worth $55 billion,” referring to Bloomberg without calling him out by name.

“Suddenly a guy comes in who has not campaigned one bit in Iowa or New Hampshire … but he’s worth $55 billion and I guess if you’re worth $55 billion you can get the rules changed for a debate,” Sanders said.

The billionaire former mayor of New York City has been running an untraditional campaign, skipping the first voting contests in the primary and instead focusing his resources on March 3, known as Super Tuesday, when more than a dozen states will hold voting.