**Found here.
“Cornrows Joe”
‘Plugs’ Biden Plays The “Cornrows Card” Against Kamala Harris
Rush Limbaugh, who christened Joe Biden as “Plugs”, asks the question, “Have We Reached the End of Plugs Biden?”
Rush pondered that question way before ol’ Gropin’ Joe (Joe has so many excellent nicknames it’s hard to choose) came up with his “Cornrows Defense”. Word has it that “Joe Cornrows” is going to take a DNA test to prove that he has more African American heritage than “slave owner decendant” and Indian-Jamaican, Kamala Harris.
‘Plugs’ figured it worked pretty well for Elizabeth Warren and Rachel Dolezal, so what the heck. If you’re in a hole, a deep hole, you might as well keep digging. To China. Wait, Joe. That could be another problem. Another potential problem could be stated as, “Loose Plugs Will Sink the Cornrows Defense.”
RUSH: And that process has now begun. You saw it. They launched Kamala Harris and some of the others launching on Biden last night. Remember, now, Good Morning America has run a hit piece on Biden and his son Hunter and the crazy deals that Hunter and Joe Biden made with the ChiComs and Ukraine. Last week I reminded everybody the media had figured out Biden cannot keep up and the process of taking him out had begun.