Get Ready For Cricket Farts…

Cow farts are bad for Earth, but cow burps are worse. New plan could help cows belch less.

                             Cow Farts Bad                                      Grasshopper Farts Good

USA Today–Belching – not flatulence – is the major cause of methane produced by the world’s cows and a Seattle-based company has just won $1.5 million to test a product to make cows burp less.

Both ends of a cow produce methane, but 97% of all the methane gas from a cow is released by belching rather than farting, according to the U.S. Dairy Council and the National Aeronautic and Space Administration.

Methane accounts for about 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions globally, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection agency. And it’s more than 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Order Your Holiday Meals From The Cricketeria

Bugs Instead of Turkey? Why Insects Make a Perfect Thanksgiving Dish and How to Cook Them… Eeewww!!

‘Effing Newsweek–About 80 percent of the world already eats insects, which are a fantastic source of protein. As Americans prepare for this year’s Thanksgiving meal, perhaps it’s time to consider the many merits of a bugcentric holiday feast.

Insects are a food source in many places in the world for good reason. Fried grasshoppers, as The New Yorker has reported, are excellent sources of iron and zinc, and contain three times as much protein as an equivalent serving of beef. In West Africa, they’re an invaluable staple for warding off a dangerous protein deficiency known as kwashiorkor. According to PBS, a single 6-ounce serving of crickets has less than half the saturated fat as the same amount of ground beef (plus twice the vitamin B12).