Breitbart reports this grisly story, “Washington State Bill Proposes ‘Composting’ of Human Corpses.” Eeewww!! Why do I shudder at thought of taking a drive in the country and stopping for some home grown veggies at “Granny’s Garden Stand” or “Pop-Paw’s Potato Patch”. Or how about your neighbor’s potted plants…. Is there a reason for the tears?
Washington State is poised to become the first state in the Union to allow “human composting,” or the “accelerated conversion of human remains to soil.”
Senate Bill 5001, titled “Concerning human remains,” would allow for human composting, also known as “recomposition” in Washington, local KIRO-TV reported.
According to the bill, human remains “means the body of a deceased person, includes the body in any stage of decomposition, and includes postreduction human remains.”