Broward County Sheriff, Scott J. Israel, refused to take any responsibility for the horrific Parkland School shooting incident. When NRA Spokesperson, Dana Loesch, attempted to point out the failed Law Enforcement interactions, Israel shouted her down.
Here are some links to help refresh the Sheriffs recall of the reporting.
CNN: Law Enforcement Went To Nikolas Cruz’s Home 39 Times Over …
Deputies called to suspected shooter’s home 39 times over seven …
Records: Numerous missed opportunities to alter Florida shooter’s path
What the FBI Knew About the Accused Florida School Shooter | Time
Sheriff Israel and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch interacting during the CNN Townhall Wednesday night.
And finally, your voice was a “powerful” deflection of responsibility and an example of blame shifting.
Your interaction with NRA Loesch was despicable deflection. You know there were 39 documented Law Enforcement interactions. You can't evade responsibility by blaming the gun. Man up and accept 'your' (Law Enforcement's) part of blame. Talking LOUD doesn't cut it Sheriff.
— (@TPE_PubEditor) February 22, 2018