Waiting For The Punch Line
Hey. Did you hear the one about Ricky Gervais and Golden Globe Awards?
Ricky Gervais Golden Globe Monologue
Nicholas Cage – “If It Pays, I’ll Play It”
Why Nicolas Cage Is Less Than Discriminating In The Roles He Chooses
According to Forbes magazine, Nicolas Cage earned $40 million in 2009, making him one of Hollywood’s highest-paid actors. Unfortunately, Cage, 49,
appears to have some major spending issues — and equally hefty problems with his financial adviser. After Cage faced foreclosure on several properties and the IRS slapped the actor with a $6.2 million tax lien in 2009, Cage sued his money manager, claiming negligence and fraud. In a counter suit, Cage’s manager alleged that the actor had blown through at least $33 million on dozens of specialty or vintage cars, four luxury yachts and 15 palatial homes around the world, including two European castles, as well as rare art and high-end jewelry. Those contentious lawsuits have been settled, but Cage still appears to be trying to fix his finances. The Oscar-winning actor is currently trying to unload several properties, including a chalet in Aspen, Colo., and an entire island in the Bahamas.