Kim Jong-un On A Horse With No Name
Well, actually, this horse has a name. It’s Gongsig Manchan. And depending on the ride it gives Chairman Kim, Gongsig goes to the Race Course or becomes the Main Course.
America – “A Horse With No Name”
‘Measuring the Curtains’ At Mount Rushmore
Regarding Trump’s Historic Meeting With Kim Jung-Un In North Korea –
Too Early To Measure The Curtains (or Carve The Hair) On Mount Rushmore, But… Here’s the Drudge Headlines.
First US leader to enter NKorean territory; 'Great friendship'...
'Big moment, big moment, big progress'...
An invitation to the White House...
10 steps into history...
Pope praises: Raises hopes for peace...
Pandemonium in Panmunjom: Trump's Hasty Date...
NBC’s Lester Holt – North Korean Tool
Lester was so busy ‘reporting’ on how good the Norks have it now (see the happy skiers, everyone), that no one on that crack NBC staff noticed that virtually everyone was wearing one of a half dozen identical styles. Just look behind Lester…. You’ve got your Orange Pair, Your Aqua Pair, Your Minty Green Pair and Your Blue Pair. Heh. It’s “ParkaGate”. Read a little further, and we’ll show you what Lester has in common with ‘Hanoi Jane’ Fonda.
Lester, I have to say your North Korean "Ski Resort" broadcast was reminiscent of 'Hanoi Jane' Fonda's infamous anti-aircraft gun propaganda brief. Were you a willing and useful tool in North Korea, Lester? Or simply an unwitting accomplice? Here's Ms. Fonda in her glory…
— (@TPE_PubEditor) January 28, 2018
Ben Rhodes – A Case Study In Trump Derangement Syndrom
Ben forgot that his guy Barack Obama was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize the month he took office. He didn’t do anything to get it. He just ‘talked pretty good liberalspeak’.
Thanks to Obama’s efforts, North Korea is getting really good with Nukes and the ability to deliver them anywhere in the US mainland. And, as if that wasn’t enough, he gave Iran a whole bunch of money and a sweetheart deal so they can do the same. But he and Michelle do cut quite a figure on the Red Carpet in Norway.

I remember when a President went to Oslo to accept a Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him for 'talking pretty' about a world without Nukes, and then giving N Korea and Iran the wherewithall to get and deliver them. Bad case of Buyer's Remorse in Norway.
— (@TPE_PubEditor) January 26, 2018
Little Kim Jong Tests the ‘Big Un’
As reported in The New York Times, “North Korea Says It Tested a Hydrogen Bomb Meant for Missiles“. The ‘kimchi‘ keeps getting deeper.
North Korea carried out its sixth and most powerful nuclear test in an extraordinary show of defiance against President Trump on Sunday, saying it had detonated a hydrogen bomb that could be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile.
The test, which the North called a “complete success,” was the first to clearly surpass the destructive power of the bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.
A gallery of Kim Jong playing with his little ‘un’.