Joe Biden Gun Control 2022 – F 15’s And Nukes
Let The Campaigns Begin…
Joe Biden – Let Me Give You Gun Owners Some Advice…
“Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government,” said Ol’ Joe, meaning you better wise up fools and get you some “F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”
StreetArt – “Doctor My Eyes” Are Glowing In The Dark
Jackson Browne – “Doctor My Eyes”
Ben Rhodes – A Case Study In Trump Derangement Syndrom
Ben forgot that his guy Barack Obama was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize the month he took office. He didn’t do anything to get it. He just ‘talked pretty good liberalspeak’.
Thanks to Obama’s efforts, North Korea is getting really good with Nukes and the ability to deliver them anywhere in the US mainland. And, as if that wasn’t enough, he gave Iran a whole bunch of money and a sweetheart deal so they can do the same. But he and Michelle do cut quite a figure on the Red Carpet in Norway.

I remember when a President went to Oslo to accept a Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him for 'talking pretty' about a world without Nukes, and then giving N Korea and Iran the wherewithall to get and deliver them. Bad case of Buyer's Remorse in Norway.
— (@TPE_PubEditor) January 26, 2018
Little Kim Jong Tests the ‘Big Un’
As reported in The New York Times, “North Korea Says It Tested a Hydrogen Bomb Meant for Missiles“. The ‘kimchi‘ keeps getting deeper.
North Korea carried out its sixth and most powerful nuclear test in an extraordinary show of defiance against President Trump on Sunday, saying it had detonated a hydrogen bomb that could be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile.
The test, which the North called a “complete success,” was the first to clearly surpass the destructive power of the bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.
A gallery of Kim Jong playing with his little ‘un’.
Norks – Polly’s Vacating Pyongyang ~updated
From the Washington Post, “North Korea now making missile-ready nuclear weapons, U.S. analysts say.” So who woulda’ thunk it?
North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles, crossing a key threshold on the path to becoming a full-fledged nuclear power, U.S. intelligence officials have concluded in a confidential assessment.
The new analysis completed last month by the Defense
Intelligence Agency comes on the heels of another intelligence assessment that sharply raises the official estimate for the total number of bombs in the communist country’s atomic arsenal. The U.S. calculated last month that up to 60 nuclear weapons are now controlled by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Some independent experts believe the number of bombs is much smaller.