Donald “The Donald” Trump
Trump Writes Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren A Check
Prolly didn’t happen, but if it did….Perfect.
**/sarc ‘n /snark
Trump Victory Garden
Order your seeds today for a gloriously bountiful harvest of pompadovers this spring.
Trump ‘Clint Eastwoods’ Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi
President Donald Trump borrowed a page from Clint Eastwood’s 2012 RNC ‘Empty Chair‘ speech and did an ‘Eastwood’ on Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi after their passive-aggressive decision to boycott a Presidential meeting on the current tax reform legislation. The poor babies didn’t like a Trump Tweet. Chuck. Nancy. Your really make it oh, so easy for Trump to troll you. Man up! You to Chuck.
USA Today has the rest of the story.