Elizabeth Warren
Senator Pocahontas Plans Plundering Plenty Of Pesos To Pauperize Pecunious Plutocrats

Senator. Maybe Mr. Snyder pays the 'right' amount of taxes, or maybe not, but the snarky, self-serving, self-righteousness of saying "I'm pretty sure he can pay my new tax" is beneath dignity. Furthermore, letting you decide how to spend his money is even more problematic.
— ThePublicEditor.com (@TPE_PubEditor) January 26, 2019
**Yes, the ‘Masked Man‘ is not Robin Hood, but Elizabeth Warren’s great, great, great, great granddaddy on her great, great, great, great cousin’s great, great, great, great grand-aunty’s side.
Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Has A New Name And A New Gig
Princess Modox – Cultural Appropriator
Hillary Took DNA Test
Not to be outdone by potential 2020 Presidential political rival Elizabeth “1024th Pocahontas” Warren’s DNA test, Hillary Clinton had her own DNA tested, too. She doesn’t plan on releasing the full results until after the Mid-terms, but teased that now she understands why she loves warm rocks and sunshine so much.
Trump Writes Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren A Check
Prolly didn’t happen, but if it did….Perfect.
**/sarc ‘n /snark