The former candidate for President and spokesperson for Tourette’s Syndrome, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke has found his niche.
Beto O’Rourke
Beto Bites The Dust
Beto O’Rourke Quits 2020 Race
Breitbart reports,
“Though it is difficult to accept, it is clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successfully. My service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee,” O’Rourke said in a statement posted to Medium. “Acknowledging this now is in the best interests of those in the campaign; it is in the best interests of this party as we seek to unify around a nominee; and it is in the best interests of the country.”
Queen – “Another One Bites The Dust”
Beto O’Rourke’s New Campaign Slogan – “I Want To Be Your Dingleberry”
Beto should take a refresher course in Old West History before he rolls his “Dingleberry” Ad Campaign out nationally. Confusing Huckleberry with Dingleberry is a such monumental “Dogberryism” that it guarantees the twitterverse will wipe his ass with a ratio.
I’m Your Huckleberry History / Curious To Know
Beto’s Campaign Going Down The Crapper
From Breitbart, “Beto O’Rourke Campaign Claims Breitbart Reporter Ejected to Protect Black Students.”
The flailing 2020 presidential campaign of former Rep. Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (D-TX) claimed Wednesday that a staffer ejected Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Joel Pollak from a speech at Benedict College, a historically black college, to protect black students.
Oh, and speaking of “crappers”, here’s Beto’s latest ploy for relevance.
You Can Call Me ‘Beto’
But you don’t ‘hasta’ call me Robert, or Francis, or Robert Francis….
Ray J. Johnson – “You can call me Ray”
**’Beto’ found here.