Hillary “The Screech” Clinton
She’s Back!! Hillary Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Mike Bloomberg ‘is considering picking Hillary Clinton as his running mate in the 2020 Democratic race to help take on Trump’
Okay, then… The question should be, “What dirt does Hillary have on Mike? Remember. Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself, did he?”
Daily Mail – Mike Bloomberg is considering making Hillary Clinton his running mate, a source close to his campaign has told Drudge Report.
Polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be a formidable force to take on Trump in the race for the White House, the source said.
Former New York City Mayor and Democratic candidate Bloomberg is said to be considering even changing his official residence from New York to Colorado or Florida – where he also has homes – because the electoral college makes it difficult for US president and vice-president to reside in the same state.
Bernie’s ‘Cardiac Event’ Opens Door For Hillary
Hillary Clinton denies rumors that the “Triple C” Campaign Catering Company (a Chelsea Clinton Company, and subsidiary of Clinton, Inc.) has been catering Bernie Sanders’ meals since January 2017. She further states that there is no truth to the rumor that the “Triple C” only uses lard and beef tallow to prepare it’s recipes. “It’s just another vast Right Wing conspiracy,” she says.
Bill and Sammy’s Excellent ‘Heavy Metal’ Adventure
Looks like Hillary’s been feeding old Bill some ‘Heavy Metal’, but not in a music way like Sammy. More like in a mercury (Hg), or cadmium (Cd), perhaps arsenic (As), or chromium (Cr), or possibly thallium (Tl), or maybe even lead (Pb) way. Long live good old Rock and Roll, right Sammy? And Bill, you really need a food taster…..and don’t drink anything that you haven’t opened with your own hands. Eh?
Styx – “Heavy Metal Poisoning”
**Thanks Anon in MT
Fire At Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua Home?
“Fire breaks out on Hillary and Bill Clinton’s property in Chappaqua, N.Y.“, shouts the Washington Post! A smoke and soot stained Hillary burdened with a cardboard box of something partially charred, was heard muttering, “you just can’t trust Bill to do anything….except ‘dick’ Bimbos. Energizer Bunny, my smokey ass.”
A small fire broke out at Hillary and Bill Clinton’s property in New York and was quickly extinguished Wednesday afternoon, officials said.
The fire started around 2:40 p.m. in a building used by the Secret Service on the Clinton’s property, the Secret Service said in a statement. It was put out by about 3:15 p.m., according to the Associated Press. No one was injured in the blaze.