CBS Reporter Feels Safer In North Korea Than Trump’s White House

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Daily Darwin – Kim Jung-un Inspired Fireworks Remix

Darwin notes that any fireworks labeled “Made in North Korea” should be handled with extreme caution in order to protect one’s genomes from the inevitable ‘Kim Jong-un Effect’.

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Pelosi and Waters – Let’s Do the ‘Time Warp’ Again

Here’s House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, claiming that (paraphrasing) “Democrats can’t work with President Bush…”.  Unfortunately for Ms. Pelosi, Donald Trump is President.

And then we have Representative Maxine Waters claiming that Donald Trump’s friendship with Vladimir Putin has given Mr. Putin the ‘green light’ to invade North Korea.  Sure, Maxine.

Maybe we should all just sit back, chill, and watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show’s – “Let’s Do The Time Warp Again”