Pinch!! Ouch, That Hurts… Let’s Have Another Primary And Vote Again.
These guys really know how to stink up a voting booth
These guys really know how to stink up a voting booth
Los Angeles Times – Yes, Tulsi Gabbard is still running for president.
The congresswoman from Hawaii hasn’t garnered much support in primary elections and she’s falling short of winning enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination. She has two so far.
She has remained in the race as numerous candidates with far more support nationally — including most recently Bloomberg and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren — have dropped out.
But Gabbard appears set on continuing.
Say “Howdy do” to you. Let’s give a rousing cheer. ‘Cause Howdy Doody’s here. It’s time to start the show.
That was fun, Boris. Let’s go check out the granite in New Hampshire. We need some new ‘counters‘, don’ t we tovarisch?
“Democratic chair calls for recanvass in Iowa as national leaders raise new questions about handling of app,” says the Washington Post.