Now that the ‘Midterm Bomber’ has been caught (frankly because he was an idiot and because the FBI is AWESOME in catching idiots), and no one has been injured, we can reveal some of the early prototypes that our ‘intrepid’ bomber tried.
“Midterm Bomber”
Midterm Bomber ‘Be Like’ Wile E. Coyote
I’m sure it’s only a coincidence that an extremely prolific bomb maker, such as the so-called “Midterm Bomber”, has fail to explode anything but news headlines and confusion – has failed so spectacularly that it seems almost intentional. What illegal migrant caravan invading horde at our border, you say? What fizzling ‘Blue Wave’, inquiring minds would like to know? I’m not saying anything, but…. It is October and October is the time for “October Surprises” in politics. Boo!!
A false flag is a covert operation event, usually perpetrated by a group belonging to or allied with our own government. It is designed to control populations through fear via a manufactured enemy; and often results in mass-casualty deaths. Some of these events use crisis actors as victims, which means that there are no real casualties, though it is staged to seem like it.
The term false flag has different, but related meanings in warfare, cyber-attacks, espionage, psychology, political campaigning and civilian usage.