As You Get Ready To Cast Your Vote This November, Remember The Keystone XL Pipeline


U.S. SENATE – Senators Steve Daines (Mont.) and Jim Risch (Idaho) today issued the following statements in response to the Biden administration releasing a past-due report demanded by the two senators and required by law that had the administration give a detailed account of the effects of its decision to cancel construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. President Biden revoked the cross-border operation permit for the project the first day he took office. The report released by the U.S. Department of Energy states the Keystone XL pipeline would have created between 16,000 and 59,000 jobs and would have had a positive economic impact of between $3.16 and $9.6 billion.

“The Biden administration finally owned up to what we have known all along—killing the Keystone XL pipeline cost good-paying jobs, hurt Montana’s economy and was the first step in the Biden administration’s war on oil and gas production in the United States. Unfortunately, the administration continues to pursue energy production anywhere but the United States. These policies may appeal to the woke Left, but hurt Montana’s working families. I’ll keep fighting back against Biden’s anti-energy agenda and supporting Montana energy projects and jobs,” Daines said.

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Trump Approves Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines

From NPR,

President Trump on Tuesday gave the go-ahead for construction of two controversial oil pipelines, the Keystone XL and the Dakota Access.

As he signed the paperwork in an Oval Office photo op, Trump said his administration is “going to renegotiate some of the terms” of the Keystone project, which would carry crude oil from the tar sands of western Canada and connect to an existing pipeline to the Gulf Coast.

The pipelines had been stopped during the Obama administration. The State Department rejected a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, and President Obama ordered work halted on the Dakota pipeline after Native American groups and other activists protested its route near culturally sensitive sites in North Dakota.