Mitt ‘Effing Romney
Joe Biden Can’t Remember Mitt’s Name, But Mitt Somehow Trusts The President…??
“I do trust the president,” Romney said.
“I don’t know exactly where everybody is after the weekend. I certainly can understand why, not only myself, but a lot of my colleagues were very concerned about what the president was saying on Friday,” Romney said on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. “But I think the waters have been calmed by what he said on Saturday.”
Romney Chides Democrats For Wanting End Of Filibuster And Expansion of SCOTUS
Good Ol’ Willard–a day late and a dollar short in the common sense and critical thinking department.
What the 'effing hell did you expect from your so-called "Democrat friends", Willard? You gave them aid and comfort for the entirety of Trump's term–and yet, you expect them not discard you (and the Constitution,) like a used condom? If stupid could fly, you'd be a jet…
— (@TPE_PubEditor) April 10, 2021
Woke Pierre Delecto Struts His Virtue
Mitt Romney Marches With Black Lives Matter Protesters
NEWSER–Mitt Romney made a big move Sunday, joining an anti-racism march in Washington, DC, and tweeting a photo of himself there captioned, “Black Lives Matter.” He’s the first Republican senator
known to have participated in such a demonstration, at least in the nation’s capital, per the AP; the Washington Post reports he’s the first GOP senator to publicize his participation in a protest. Democratic lawmakers have been known to join the marches, and at least one Republican representative did so in his home state of Texas, but CNN reports that GOP lawmakers have “largely aligned” behind President Trump’s “militarized response” to the protests. Romney has, since late last month, made known his support for peaceful protests over the deaths of black people at the hands of police and his outrage over the killing of George Floyd.
Mitt Romney Is Still A Sanctimonious POS
I'll bet it would cause more than a few chills if your "Bain Binders" of terminated employees and pillaged companies were ever released for public inspection. So quit being a sanctimonious POS and a spoiled loser and assist the President in trying to turn this country around.
— (@TPE_PubEditor) May 17, 2020