A Note To Sen. Jeff Flake Regarding Final Kavanaugh Vote

Jeff.  You should be afraid…, very, very afraid of your new friends.  Not saying you lack testicular fortitude now, Senator, but if you don’t vote YES for Brett Kavanaugh, you’re guaranteed to catch a bad case of “Low T“.  So will you vote to keep your hair (among other things), or vote to look like Senator Chris Coons?

Rod Redactenstein’s Meeting With Trump Postponed Again

The Guardian reports, “Trump meeting with Rosenstein may be delayed again, says White House.”  Well, hell yes!!  Rod’s got a whole lot of work to do with that jumbo Sharpie he uses.  And he’s got to do it himself–no delegation, because it’s oh, so secret.

Donald Trump’s high-stakes meeting with deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein could be “pushed back another week” as the fight over supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh continues, the White House said on Sunday.

Whether or not Trump will fire the deputy attorney general, and thereby endanger Mueller’s independence, has fuelled Washington gossip for months.

Earlier this month, the New York Times reported that Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire to record conversations with Trump and the possibility of removing the president via the 25th amendment.

Richard Blumenthal’s Calendar

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D- Conn). This is one of the man the Democrats have chosen to question the integrity and honesty of Judge Brett Kavanaugh??  From the Hill, “Cotton to Blumenthal: You don’t have credibility to question Kavanaugh.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) ripped into Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Thursday for lying about his military service and then questioning Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s credibility.

“@SenBlumenthal lied for years about serving in Vietnam, which is all you need to know about his courage & honesty,” Cotton, who is not on the Senate Judiciary Committee, tweeted during the questioning. “Maybe he should reconsider before questioning Judge Kavanaugh’s credibility.”

Blumenthal has said he served in Vietnam, when he in fact sought at least five military deferments and eventually landed a spot in the Marine Reserve, where he was essentially guaranteed not to serve in the conflict itself, The New York Times reports.

I’d Call Jeff Flake a Pussy, But….

That would be a compliment.  Let me try some other possibilities.  How about….

Senator Jeff Flake is an abject, bootlicking, brownnosing, chicken-hearted, compliant, cowardly, craven, effete, faint-hearted, feeble, fickle, flaccid, ingratiating, irresolute, kowtowing, lily-livered, mealy-mouthed, namby-pamby, obsequious, parasitic, pusillanimous, sniveling, spineless, submissive, sycophantic, weak, wimpy, yellow-bellied pile of dirty, doo-doo, poop and/or night soil.

There.  That should get the point across and maybe even make it through even the most discriminating profanity filter.

Sen. Lindsay Graham’s Finest Moment

Click to Reset to the New, Real Lindsay Graham

We’ve not spared the scorn for South Carolina’s Senator Lindsay Graham, especially when he was in cahoots with the late Senator John McCain. But his brilliant statement supporting Judge Kavanaugh, his castigation of the politics of personal destruction the Democrats have been using, has earned him a /sarc ‘n /snark reset.  Republicans need to heed Graham’s remarks.  They need to stand fast and vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.  Otherwise, as Graham says,”if you vote no, you are legitimizing the most despicable thing that I have seen in my time in politics.”  Watch the Senator….

Dances With Crows’ Observations On The Brett Kavanaugh Hearings

“I say bury my heart in Washington, D.C.  My eyes are leaking tears as I listen to Democrats speaking with forked tongues while lying down with dogs. They are flea-bitten, scum-sucking, bottom-feeding, carrion-breath shit-weasels.  And they will be known forever by the loathsome tracks they leave.” — Dances With Crows 10.26.2018

Jeb Bush, Incorrigible Immigration Apologist

Breitbart reports on a Jeb Bush interview with National Review Editor Nordlinger.  Jeb still doesn’t understand.  Jeb will never understand.

“Our party is advocating restricting legal immigration as well. And I think that’s foolhardy beyond belief. There’s a way to reform the legal immigration system that would be a catalyst for sustained economic growth and we need it because our demography is going the wrong way. [Emphasis added]”