There are other stories besides COVID-19 that the Media could cover…
Brett Kavanaugh
This Bud’s For You, Brett
Stay thirsty, my friend.
Brett Kavanaugh Is Still Keeping A Handwritten Calendar
**Neener, Neener, Neener – bet you didn’t see that Summer of ’82 Brett Kavanaugh calendar coming, did you Chuck? Diane? Or Cory or Kamala?
When ‘Notorious’ RBG Wakes….
Have another nap Ruth.
I’m Rubber and You’re Glue
The Democrats attempts to ‘bork’ Judge Kavanaugh has added a new metaphor to the political lexicon – Getting a Dose of Kavanaugh. It’s a mashup of “Getting a dose of your own medicine” and “I’m rubber and you’re glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you.” Michael Ramirez paints the picture….so to speak.