Longest Shutdown In History

The Guardian reports today, “US government shutdown becomes longest in history.

The US government shutdown is now the longest such closure in history. On Saturday, day 22, members of Congress were out of Washington, Donald Trump was unmoved in the White House, his border wall unbuilt, and around 800,000 federal workers were still without pay and facing mounting hardship.

Public Service Announcement – Know Your Parasites

It’s especially important during this ‘extended Government Partial Shutdown’ that Media Publishers, large and small, pick up the slack left by an idle government and do their part to continue to inform the American public about the perils of parasite infestations wherever they might occur. Today’s PSA covers the Greater Washington D.C. and Beltway area. Be vigilant.  And be safe out there!

Thanks Anon in MT

Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Eats Humble “Pow-Wow Chow” Pie

It’s not been a good couple of days for Elizabeth Warren.  Her so-called DNA proof of her so-called Cherokee heritage turned out to be as genuine as, well, her so-called Native American recipes.