Nancy’s First Day At The Senate Impeachment Trial

The AP reports, “McConnell proposes swift impeachment trial with long days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell proposed a condensed, two-day calendar for each side to give opening statements, ground rules that Democrats immediately rejected.

Voting on the Republican leader’s resolution will be one of the first orders of business when senators convene Tuesday. It also pushes off any votes on witnesses until later in the process, rather than up front, as Democrats had demanded.

Thanks Anon in MT

If You Saw ‘This Woman’ Coming Toward You On A Sidewalk….

Would you keep walking and as you passed her, smile, and say, “Have a nice day!!”  Or would you listen to the instincts your ancestors developed over countless millennia and cross to the other side, saying to yourself, “This bitch is gonna kill me and then drag my carcass into the alley and eat me?”  I knew you would.  Racist.  Just kidding.

That’s Racist!!

Thanks Anon in MT