Nancy Pelosi -“Four Weeks Is More Than Enough For Senate To Pass $2 Trillion Coronavirus Bill”

The unanimous vote sends the legislation to the House, which is expected to pass it Friday morning

Washington Post – Hoyer announced, the House will convene at 9 a.m. Friday to pass the legislation by “voice vote,” and allow any members who wanted to debate the issue publicly to do so, before passing the legislation without a roll-call vote that would require a quorum to be present. At the same time, lawmakers who are quarantined, live in places with lockdown orders or simply don’t want to travel would not have to do so.

Pelosi said that she, too, would “like to see a good debate on the floor,” but that also that “For some of us, it’s very important to make ‘Elective Surgeries and Procedures’ available again.” 

**Bolds are mine and reflect a /sarc ‘n /snarky reference to the Speakers reliance on Cosmetic Surgeries and Botox to keep her face from drooping as far as her boobs have.

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