Well, at least “Parking” is still “Free”.
Bernie Sanders
One Socialist
Or another. Or as Hillary says, “What difference does it makes?” Same end result. Bernie’s camps will probably have Wi-Fi, but that’s progress, right?
The Nazi Party was a political party in Germany, founded in 1919 by Anton Drexler. At first it was called “The German Worker’s Party”.
When Hitler later took over the party, helped by his oratorical skills, he renamed the party the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeitpartei), meaning National Socialist Germany Workers’ Party.
Later on the Great Depression helped the Nazi come to power in 1933.
Paul von Hindenburg, the president at the time, appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany on January 30th 1933. Within 3 months, he had assumed dictatorial powers.
Hence, the Nazi Party is indeed what Hitler used, and what helped him to gain power and wage war across the globe.
Looks Just Like Doc
I swear that crazy old “Democratic Socialist”, Bernie Sanders, looks just like that crazy old Doc Emmett Brown in the Back to the Future movie series. What’s your vote?
Bernie and the Norks
Bernie. Bernie! Bernie!!! Bernie and the Norks. These are the rewards of socialism.
Vote Bernie
Why? You Say. Because…