Elmer Fudd
Woke Warner Bros. Confiscated Elmer Fudd’s Shotgun
Elmer Fudd stripped of rifle in new Looney Tunes cartoon series
Instead, Ol’ Elmer gets to go Medieval on the ‘cwazy’ wabbit. The Einsteins at HBO/Warner Bros. gave him a scythe to try and cut Bugs’ ‘effing head off. Genius.
New York Post–It just got a lot harder to hunt wascally wabbits.
Warner Bros is stripping Elmer Fudd of his rifle in a new Looney Tunes cartoon series on HBO Max, handicapping the grumpy hunter as he continues his decades-long pursuit of the wise-cracking Bugs Bunny, according to reports.
The change in the latest incarnation of the iconic animated series is a response to the gun violence in the US…
Screeching Liberal #Snowflake Melting
That hideous screeching that you hear is a #SJW #Snowflake with her ‘wittle fweewings’ hurt.
**Warning – Make sure your finger is on the mute button. Listening could be hazardous to your health.**
Thanks sgt_axeman
Lunchtime for Bugs
Bugs Bunny, that is. Belly up, you “pesky wabbit“.