Joe Biden – Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

Joe Biden – Unsuited Then, Unsuited Now

Restoration PAC–Joe Biden is a habitual liar. Several months after he made the incredible boasts, the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, ABC, CBS, and NBC, among other outlets, described Biden’s resume claims as false and quoted Biden as admitting as much, citing a bad memory.

The Washington Post says it’s “Joe Biden’s worst-ever campaign moment” and that any Pinocchios (“Talk about Four Pinocchios!”) belong to Lyin’ Joe Biden, his very own self.

If 2020 Was A Dirty Job

Burning Shit: A How to Dispose of Waste Instructional

Vietnam Soldier–To start, the place where we deposited our waste was creative but a sight I seriously doubt you would ever want to see. It would make an outhouse look like the Taj Mahal. It consisted of two stacks of wood ammo boxes, filled with sand or dirt and placed at each end with a door laid flat across them. Underneath this door were parts of 55-gallon metal drums to catch what fell through the three holes into them. This lovely facility was located out in the open, as were we, sometimes sharing our exposure with “company” at the next hole.