Nancy ‘Crumbs’ Pelosi’s Newest Border Security Plan – “Mow The Grass”

Wat???  Nancy’s latest suggestion personifies the effects of Trump Derangement Syndrome – dementia mixed with desperation.

“Well, I’m not the wall’s biggest advocate in Congress, but I do know that representatives in the House and Senators in that body from the border wall areas have some serious objection to a wall because they know how detrimental it can be to the community trade, to all of the other aspects of a border.” But again, lets sit down and talk things through and see what makes sense. Not some commitment to a promise that we’re going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. That’s never going to happen. Let’s talk about where a more serious structure might be necessary, where fencing will do, or mowing the grass so people can’t be smuggled through the grass, that’s something, levies, technology, personnel.”

Found here.

Nancy Pelosi – “No Wall needed, Mow the grass.”

Nancy, you are the gift that just keeps on giving. Thank you for what you do.

Let Apple Pay For ‘The Wall’

Or maybe Apple will just provide the temporary ‘Construction Loan’ while Trump formulates the Mexican Wall Payment Plan (MWPP).  Trump wins again.  From the NY Times, “Apple, Capitalizing on New Tax Law, Plans to Bring Billions in Cash Back to U.S.“.

Apple, which had long deferred paying taxes on its foreign earnings and had become synonymous with hoarding money overseas, unveiled plans on Wednesday that would bring back the vast majority of the $252 billion in cash that it held abroad and said it would make a sizable investment in the United States.

… Apple took advantage of the new tax code that President Trump signed into law last month. A provision allows for a one-time repatriation of corporate cash held abroad at a lower tax rate than what would have been paid under the previous tax plan. Apple, which has 94 percent of its total cash of $269 billion outside the United States, said it would make a one-time tax payment of $38 billion on the repatriated cash.

Border Wall Construction Kit

From ABC News, “President Trump says Construction of Border Wall Will Begin in ‘Months’“.

During the interview, which took place at the White House this morning, Trump said that Mexico would pay the U.S. back “100 percent.”

He confirmed that U.S. taxpayer dollars would be used to start the construction but said reimbursement would follow.

“All it is, is we’ll be reimbursed at a later date from whatever transaction we make from Mexico,” he said. “I’m just telling you there will be a payment. It will be in a form, perhaps a complicated form. What I’m doing is good for the United States. It’s also going to be good for Mexico. We want to have a very stable, very solid Mexico.”

When asked about the start of construction, Trump said it would happen in “months.”