Going, Going, Disappeared – Facebook Justice, Saudi Style

The Wall Street Journal reports, “Saudis Weigh Saying Journalist Was Killed by Mistake.

Riyadh is considering issuing a statement saying that rogue operatives killed Khashoggi by mistake during an interrogation gone wrong

On Monday, Saudi officials were considering whether to say rogue operatives killed Jamal Khashoggi during an interrogation gone wrong, people familiar with the matter said, a move that could help the royal family distance itself from responsibility.

We don’t think Zuckerberg has retained an on-call “bone sawing” expert, yet. At least, not that we know of.

Getting Ready To Fight Big Data

This is your ghillie suit for taking the fight to the Masters of the Universe.

From the Business Insider, “This photo shows that even Mark Zuckerberg is paranoid about his privacy.

But the photo has taken new meaning after Zuckerberg apologized on Wednesday for a scandal in which British data company Cambridge Analytica, which has ties to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, illicitly obtained information from as many as 50 million Facebook profiles by abusing Facebook’s data-sharing features.

From the Instagram photo, it’s clear that Zuckerberg takes his own personal privacy very seriously.

Facebook’s Peeping ‘Zucks’

For anyone who watched Mark Zuckerberg’s Congressional Hearing appearances, it’s clear that Mark is clearly, well…. different.  But this latest, Mr. Zuckerberg?  Jeez!!  The Forbes headline says it all, “Facebook Wants Your Nude Photos; What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

In a bid to wrap up the race for the Tin Ear of the Year Award before June 1, Facebook has begun asking its 2.2 billion users to discreetly share their indiscreet nude photos with the company. The plan, they say, is to train Facebook to block the images you don’t ever want on Facebook, in cases such as revenge porn.

Mr. Zuckerberg Goes To Washington (Final Update)

It does appear that the “Interweb” and the “Brotherhood of the Facebook” do work in strange and mysterious ways.  If not for cached backup copies and screenshots, one would never know the subtleties of the “Zuckerberg Effect“.  In the “Mr. Zuckerberg Goes To Washington” series, I chronicled the apparent Facebook censorship of a less than flattering image of Mark Zuckerman – not a horrible image, but we shall say that he had some ‘eye issues’.

Facebook, upon being informed about their said abridgment of certain First Amendment rights, actually did something.  Changes were made to remove the “safe image” placeholders and the original images restored.

I will stress, however, that what to do to get changes from Facebook is a mystery with no clear path. Stumbling into the method of seeking corrections will not work for any of us in the future. Facebook has too much at stake to be accused of censorship, and the people it serves do not need to be censored.

Making it simpler to get corrections, and then informing when said corrections have been made, is a must.

BTW:  I’m going to use the original ‘offending’ image for the featured image of this post–any guesses as to whether this is really the Final Update to this series?

**The Zuckerberg Effect – In Social Networking Chaos Theory, the Zuckerberg Effect is the systematic obfuscation of data, images, concepts, beliefs, or behavior contrary to current sensitivities of the Technology ‘Masters of the Universe’ with the goal of making uncounted small incremental changes in the state of a deterministic nonlinear system called Freedom resulting in a transition to a state of Systemic Linear Control by elite Opinion Leaders.

Mr. Zuckerberg Goes To Washington (Update-2)

It does appear, based on the test in “Mr. Zuckerberg Goes To Washington (Updated) that Facebook does, indeed, censor posts critical of Mr. Zuckerberg. Here’s the results.

Even after an obvious warning that a censorship test was being conducted, Facebook replaced the satirical meme image of Mark Zuckerberg with a “safe image” placeholder.

Final conclusions aside, in this instance Facebook could not be trusted to be a fair broker of the news. How many occurrences should it take before Facebook forfeits the trust that has been placed in it to be able to operate free of Government Regulations? Not so many, I think….