Winner, Winner – Chicken Dinner

When a man gets between another man and his chicken, there will be blood.  Also murder and mayhem. No “Green Card” required.  The USA Today reports, “Man killed for grabbing last piece of chicken, cops say“.

HOUSTON — One man is dead and another is accused of fatally stabbing him — all over a piece of chicken.

Reinaldo Cardoso Rivera, 38, of Houston was charged late last week with murder in connection with the Friday death of Darwin Perez Gonzalez, 34, of Houston.

Chicken_BoxingFive men had been making dinner and drinking in an apartment in western Houston. But police said Rivera became angry when Gonzalez took the last piece of chicken.

An argument escalated into a fist fight that was taken out into the parking lot of the complex. Rivera then stabbed Gonzalez and fled the scene with the knife, police said.

Rivera later returned to the scene and admitted to police that he had stabbed Gonzalez. Rivera, whose case file says he is not a U.S. citizen, was arrested, charged and is being held in Harris County jail on $200,000 bond.

PC Guide to the Galaxy

Call me crazy (unless that’s too UN-PC), I thought Halloween costumes by their very nature were supposed to be edgy, stretching  the bounds of good taste.  But no, left to the campus PC Police, it’s plain vanilla for us all.  Did I just step in it with the “vanilla” reference?  Impossible, isn’t it?

According to, “Colleges are providing costume consultants, flowcharts for Halloween sensitivity“.

Universities are nipping politically incorrect costumes in the bud this Halloween. Some have put up sensitivity flowcharts and flyers with the phone numbers of consultants students can call to make sure their costume doesn’t offend anyone.

Islam_Burqa_3_Kids_Not“Unsure if your costume is offensive? Don’t be scared to ask questions,” a State University of New York at Geneseo poster reads, with the contact information of no less than five campus officials listed below.

If that wasn’t enough, Geneseo also provided a flowchart to show them the way of inclusive Halloween partying.

Wesleyan University implemented a similar measure this year to combat insensitivity.

“Check yourself and your friend,” the flyer advises, suggesting that students ask if their costumes “mock cultural religious symbols such as dreadlocks, headdresses, afros, [and] bindis” or “trivialize human suffering, oppression, and marginalization.”